To quote Michael Jordan, "Republicans Buy Shoes Too" and my feeling has always been that people from all across the political spectrum read my stuff, so I try to keep political matters out of it partly because I don't want to turn some people off since apparently we're in a time period where instead of seeking knowledge we'd rather find what we agree with and just nod and smile like idiots, and partly because I'll be the first to admit that I'm not the political type.
But recently I've been seeking out knowledge and have been more outspoken. Mainly when it comes to the financial side of things.
I started off with Chomsky, and found myself disagreeing with him. Heavily. Part of it is my upbringing, I'm Cuban-American. Chomsky meanwhile is the classic example of the Academic Socialist.
But the other reason I disagreed with Chomsky is that somewhere in my DNA something clicked that told me that Socialism doesn't work. It probably manifested itself at the age of six as I watched on TV with my parents as the Berlin Wall fell to the ground, followed by seeing the Soviet Union collapse on TV at the age of eight, and not knowing fully why what happened happened. Add that to the family story of why we're in the United States, then learning about both subjects through time, and I knew that Socialism and Communism didn't work.
When I was younger I'll admit, I was a bit liberal. Part of it was disapproving of the job done by George W. Bush while he was in office, yet despite agreeing with him on areas of National Defense, something in me told me that this guy didn't fit my beliefs either. Yet, neither did the Democrats.
So what the hell was I? I knew I wasn't a Tea Party person not because I disagreed with them, if anything they had great ideas on some things that I agreed with. I can't consider myself a Republican because on a lot of Social issues I identify more with the Democrats, but to me, both parties are the same.
Then I took a political test. Here are the results, in bold:
You are libertarian. You think that the government is making way too many unnecessary laws that are taking away our innate rights. You believe that the government's job is primarily to protect people from harming other people, but after that they should mind their own business, and if we give the government too much power in controlling our lives, it can lead to fascism.
The Libertarian philosophy seems to be the most common sense philosophy. As simple as possible, its live your life but don't hurt others, and be responsible for yourself and your family.
Even then I took a test to see if I was a "pure Libertarian", the answer I got was that I was a medium-core libertarian. This is mainly because I believe that the Police, Military, and Judicial system should be run by the Government, and most importantly, should be the ONLY things run by the government.
What about schools? Well, that's up to the states and the parents. If a voucher system was implemented, just imagine the problems we'd avoid. First and most importantly, all parents would have a choice, meaning the public school system would have to find ways to compete with private schools. On top of that, questions of whether to teach evolution, intelligent design, or both would be only up to the parents of the child. If they want to send their children to a school that teaches evolution, they could do that. If they'd rather send their child to a school that teaches intelligent design, they could do that too. Instead of making it a costly political battle, just leave it up to the parents. (I for one think both theories should be taught and left up to the student and parents to decide in the end. As for my feelings on this battle, that's for whenever I feel like writing about my faith.)
Now is Libertarian the perfect political philosophy? No, but its to me the most common sense approach. I do think that Government needs to be less. I do think that people need to take more responsibility for themselves. And most importantly, I do think that you as a person know better on how to live your life than someone up in Washington and Tallahassee (or Austin or Springfield or Albany, whichever is the state capital of your homes state) who has never met you before.
I encourage you all to take the test and leave your results in a comment at the bottom. Also if you're curious feel free to ask me whatever questions you'd like about Libertarianism.